Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

We appreciate you visiting where we are passionate about making hearing better. By using our website and online hearing test you will be doing so and acknowledge our privacy policy which means that we respect any personal information that you provide us with, or that we ascertain from your online hearing test or enquiry form interactions with us.

This policy covers the following areas:

  • Our privacy commitment
  • What personal information do we collect?
  • What choices do you have?
  • How long is the information kept for?
  • Why we collect information
  • How we collect this information
  • Who we may share your information with
  • How we process your personal information
  • What if you don’t provide personal information?
  • Security
  • What information do we send over the internet?
  • Other Sites
  • Cookies and Log Files
  • Google Analytics
  • Legal Disclaimer
  • Accessing your Personal Information
  • Our Privacy Commitment

In this Privacy Policy, references to you means the person whose personal information we collect, use and process. This includes anyone who contacts us in connection with the products and services we provide or otherwise interacts with us including, for example, via our website or a recommended audiologist.

We will not use your information for purposes unrelated to our hearing care services that we provide, unless your consent is first obtained. We understand that health and medical information falls under sensitive personal information under the Data Protection Act 1998 and under the special category information under Article 9 of the Data Protection Act 2018.

What personal information do we collect?

We may collect and process information about you including:

  • your name
  • your contact telephone number (including mobile)
  • your email address
  • your postcode
  • your online hearing test results
  • your payment details (where applicable)
  • any other information voluntarily provided to us by you from time to time either in writing or on our website

This information will primarily be collected from you as voluntarily provided to us.

Who we may share your information with

If you contact us through a website, advert or landing page (and/or by email at you will be providing us with personal information about yourself, including your email address, name and contact details which once completed will be distributed to one of our recommended audiologists for any follow-up consultation that is required.

If you are simply browsing our website, we will collect information using cookies and/or traffic data which uses IP addresses or other numeric identifiers, which analyse navigation and use of the website.

What choices do you have? and/or its recommended hearing aid audiologists may use your personal information to contact you in relation to our products and services.

To ensure that you continue to receive excellent healthcare, we will send you non-marketing material, such as appointment reminders and notices.

You may change your marketing preferences at any time rights by writing to us at: 20a High Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9DU, e-mail us on or call us at 0208 1230993. Please remember to provide as much detail as you can as this will help us to find the information

You can choose to stop receiving marketing emails from us by following the unsubscribe link and instructions on the respective marketing emails we send you.

How long is the information kept for?

Personal information will be retained by us and our recommended hearing aid audiologists in order to provide products and services, including aftercare services, and to maintain records as required to satisfy tax and other legal or regulatory requirements, as well as to protect and defend against claims.

  1. If you are recommended hearing aid audiologist customer, they may keep your data for a minimum of 7 years.
  2. If you are not a recommended hearing aid audiologist customer, will delete your data after 1 year, after your last contact with us

Why we collect information

We may collect and use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • your hearing status
  • providing our products and services to you
  • letting you know when you may have an appointment is due and reminding you to take a test if you’ve not had one for a while
  • communication audiology products and services to you
  • undertaking customer service surveys to ensure we continually improve our services to you
  • helping us review, develop and improve the products and services we offer, for example through research, analysis and planning
  • notifying you about changes to our products and services
  • responding to queries from you
  • processing and retaining personal data relating to your credit/debit card and order details to enable the fulfilment of your order and to deal with any queries or refunds of payment
  • carrying out security checks to protect against fraudulent transactions at or following any purchase or order you make to prevent and detect criminal activities. For example, we may undertake verification checks to identify any discrepancies with your payment details
  • responding to and addressing any claims made against us
  • using cookies and traffic data as set out in our cookie policy
  • to comply with laws or regulations applicable to hearing specialists, including prevention and/or detection of non-compliance
  • maintaining records for tax, compliance with laws, defence of claims and other corporate purposes

How we collect this information

The personal information collected by us is in most cases directly supplied to us by you. Listed below are the different ways we might obtain your information.

  • From you when you register your details with us or give us the information; via phone, email, our website which upon a completed online hearing test may be processed and distributed to one of our recommended hearing aid audiologists
  • When you make a purchase
  • When you complete an enquiry form on our website
  • When you take our online hearing test
  • When you call us to ask for information about our services
  • When you register your details from a third party whom you have consented to their privacy policy
  • Who we may share your information with

We may pass personal details such as your name and address to companies who perform part of our service delivery. We my share your information with the following data processers and third parties:

  • Tele-Appointing Agencies: to help us process personal information but they may not use it for any other purposes. We may use the information we receive from third parties to supplement, improve and add to our databases of customer details
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: in the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, we may disclose personal information about customers to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets if we or substantially all of our assets are acquired by a third party (or subject to a reorganisation within our corporate group), personal information held by us about customers will be one of the transferred assets
  • Legal Purposes: we may pass your personal information to third parties in order to comply with any legal obligation (including court orders), or to enforce or apply our website, terms and conditions of use of website or other agreements we have with you or to protect our recommended hearing aid audiologists’ rights, property and safety or those of our customers, employees or other third parties
  • Law Enforcement Services: We may pass personal information to external agencies and organisations, including the police and other law enforcement agencies, for the prevention and detection of fraud (including fraudulent transactions) and criminal activity. These external agencies may check the information we give them against public and private databases and may keep a record of such checks to use in future security checks

What if you don’t provide personal information?

If you choose not to provide personal information when requested, we may not be able to provide you with the full range of services which include;

  • A hearing undertaken online via
  • reminding you to book a test if you’ve not had one for a while
  • special offers on our products and services
  • notifying you about changes to our products and services
  • responding to queries from you


We will take all reasonable steps to store your personal information securely as we would like you to feel confident in dealing with us on the internet.

Whilst we will take all reasonable precautions to protect your information, please be aware that no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure and as a result we cannot provide an absolute guarantee of the security of any information you provide to us.

What information do we send over the internet?

We send information over the internet to create or/and to update your customer records. This information is always protected. Any data that the create is automatically saved on our secure cloud servers which are encrypted.

The information we send includes:

  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Contact Details
  • Hearing Test Values

Other Sites

We are not responsible for the privacy practices of sites that are linked to this site via hyperlinks, advertising or otherwise.  Please take care at all times to check whose site you are visiting. Please note that if you disclose your personal information to third parties through such sites, this policy will not apply, and you will be subject to the privacy policy of that third party.

Cookies and Log Files

Like most websites we may use cookies and web log files to track website usage. A cookie is a tiny data file which resides on your computer which allows us to recognise you as a user when you return to the website using the same computer and web browser. Cookies may also collect and store your personal information. This policy applies to personal information collected via cookies.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics features for Display Advertising. You can opt-out of Google Analytics and disable tracking using the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on. The data provided by Google Analytics Demographics we will use to develop our website and content in line with our users’ interests. Privacy Policies and Practices

From time to time and in line with customer expectations and legislative changes, our privacy policies and procedures will be reviewed and, if appropriate, updated. Such updates will be published on our website. If you continue to use our services after notice of changes have been published on our website, you hereby provide your consent to the changed practices.

Legal Disclaimer

It is possible that we may need to disclose personal information when required by law. We will disclose such information where we have a good-faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to comply with a court order, ongoing judicial proceeding, or other legal process served on us or to exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.

We also reserve the right to share personal information if we believe (in our sole discretion) it is necessary in order to investigate, prevent, or report illegal activities (including fraud) or situations involving actual or potential threats to the safety of any person or property.

What rights do you have?

You have certain rights under UK data protection legislation, including the option to:

  1. access your personal information – you will not be charged for this service
  2. rectify your personal information if it is inaccurate or incomplete
  3. erase your personal information and prevent further processing in specific circumstances and where there is no other lawful ground for continuing to retain and process that information.
  4. you have the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data.
  5. you have the right to restrict processing or block processing of your personal data
  6. you have right to data portability – allowing you to retain and reuse your personal data for your own purpose
  7. you have the right to object to your personal data being used. This includes, if you want to object us using your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing, scientific and historical research, or for the performance of a task in the public interest.
  8. you have the right of automated decision making and profiling – protecting you against the risk that a potentially damaging decision can be made without human intervention. For example, you can choose not to be the subject of a decision where the consequence has a legal bearing on them or is based on automated processing.

To request any of the above rights please e-mail us on

Please remember to provide as much detail as you can as this will help us to find the information

Protecting personal information

We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorised access and use including saving all customer information on our cloud server which is encrypted.

As effective as modern security practices are, no physical or electronic security system is entirely secure. We cannot guarantee the complete security of our environment, nor can we guarantee that information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the internet. Any transmission is at your own risk.

In the event that there is an interception of your personal information or unauthorised access or use of our environment, we will not be liable or responsible for any resulting misuse of your personal information.

We have no control over the contents of third party sites or resources which are linked to our website and we accept no responsibility or liability for them or the privacy practices they use or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of such websites or resources.

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Worried about your hearing ?   Think you have a hearing condition ?    Why go through the anxiety of not knowing if you have a hearing condition of not and take the online hearing test. It takes minutes and you can do it where you want when you want.

Our Hearing Test Takes Minutes To Complete & May Be The Best Thing You Do Today.

Worried about your hearing ?   Think you have a hearing condition ?    Why go through the anxiety of not knowing if you have a hearing condition of not and take the online hearing test. It takes minutes and you can do it where you want when you want.

Our Hearing Test Takes Minutes To Complete & May Be The Best Thing You Do Today.


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Jennifer Sutton
"I thought this was a gimmick but its actually pretty impressive and not something i would normally do but to test my hearing every few months seems like common sense."  
Ant Payne
When i turned 40 last year i started to notice i was asking people to repeat themselves even at meetings so i knew i needed to atleast get my hearing tested. I am pressed for time all the time so an online hearing test is just what the doctor ordered.  No fuss and it only took a few minutes. I then followed up with a hearing test around the corner from me.
James Ashbury
"Good to do a test online without having to go into the doctors. easy to do and free for a comprehensive hearing test has to be a good thing. thanks !"
Franky Docherty